V12 Changes Log

2024 April 18 19:00 UT
StarBGone is not subtracting stars correctly; it significantly over-subtracts the effect of the interfering star.
AsteoridMiPhotometry, MIAstrometry, SIAstrometry
♦ Changed precision of orbital elements, limiting SMAxis to about 4200.
All programs accessing asteroids.sdb database
♦ Automatic creation of discoveries table if not included in existing file.
♦ Detached Upload button on file generation form from the action to generate the ALCDEF files. The ability to upload the files directly to the ALCDEF site has not been implemented at either end.
♦ Reduced size of fonts for orbital elements, width of ephemeris table, and placed ephemeris controls on a panel to allow a narrower minimum width for the form.
♦ Forced ephemeris/oppositions table to use full column set if there was not a previously saved columns definition.
♦ Changed method of returning to current record after changing sort order.
♦ Asteroid was not being properly tracked in zoom window while measuring.
♦ Fixed bug that failed to clear located asteroids list when an image was loaded.
♦ Analysis page check box settings were not being saved.
♦ Fixed bug where revised interval was not recognized when restarting blinking without having to click the interval field button.
♦ Fixed bug where unchecked images in list were still used and the incorrect images displayed during blinking.
♦ Added version/paths information to the caption at start-up.
♦ Included import of new discoveries table.
♦ Fixed bug that failed to clear located asteroids list when an image was loaded.

2024 March 29 18:00 UT
StarBGone is not subtracting stars correctly; it significantly over-subtracts the effect of the interferring star.

While many issues concerning using the software on hi-res monitors have been solved, many remain. The issues are more pernicious when the program involves a "notebook" with two or more pages. Scaling is applied only to the active tab when moving among monitors.

The problems are not all MPO specific. The writers of the software that writes the MPO programs are still working their way through numerous issues themselves. Even native Windows controls such as file open dialogs will have problems on occasion.
  • The issues is scaling (dpi), not resolution. Normal is 96 dpi (100%). Anything else can lead to some issues appearing.
  • If running on a single monitor at 100% scaling (96 dpi) then, regardless of screen resolution, the controls will scale correctly. For hi-res monitors, of course, everything will be very small and hard to read.
  • If running multiple monitors at 100% scaling, there should be no issues moving programs from one monitor to another.
  • If running multiple monitors with some at > 100%, always starting programs on a monitor with 100% and not moving them to a non-100% monitor, should present no problems.
  • If running multiple monitors with some > 100%, moving among monitors may result in unexpected scaling. When in doubt move the program to a 100% scaling monitor and then back to the non-100% monitor. Eventually, the scaling should right itself.
  • If running a program with a zoom window, e.g., AsteoridMIPhotometry, and moving to a monitor with different scaling, the zoom window and apertures will not immediately update. Moving the mouse cursor over the image being viewed resets the zoom window and apertures to match the new scaling.
  • Some forms have forced minimum heights and/or widths. Using a scaling percentage beyond some point may mean the form no longer fits on a single screen. This is a particular problem if the height is such that the caption bar is not accessible, making it necessary to use the task manager to stop the program.
    However, the form will try to return to the same "bad" position when restarted. Find the form's INI file in \MPOV12\INIFILES\FORMS and either delete the file entirely, which loses all other save settings or, carefully edit the INI file by removing all lines with in the [FORMS] section.
All programs using MPO Canpous Configuration Form
♦ Fixed bugs with import/export functions.
All programs using MRU (most recently used) file lists
♦ Fixed bugs with adding to and storing the list.
♦ Added menu item to clear the list.
MPCORB Import Utility
♦ Fixed bug that incorrectly recreated the Number index after updating the table. This caused very sluggish behavior when a program using the MPCORB table changed index from Number to Name to Desig.
MPO Canopus Launcher
♦ Fixed bug that did not set the Configuration form to the profile chosen in the launcher.

2024 March 4 16:30 UT ( patch, all programs)
♦ A number of legacy controls that include icons, e.g., buttons, do not scale property when going to/from 3K/4K HD monitors. These will be replaced as soon as possible when found.
All AAVSO-related programs
♦ Fixed bug that prevented access to the tables in the database even the connection to the database was established.
All Photometry Plots (lightcurve, spectra, Gantt, Nomarlied, LC Gen)
♦ The default file name has the (first) session number include just before the extension, e.g., 2002_KL6_LC1_SN-90045.png.
All programs invoking Configuration form
♦ Validation of MPC photometry catalog priority versus catalog with Priority = 1 on Catalogs page occurs only when trying to save the profile and expanded error message.
SIAstrometry, MIAstrometry, and MPO PhotoRed
♦ Added checkbox to determine if only Extract Flag = 0 stars are included in the internal image stars lists. In PhotoRed, also added field to set the Extract Threshold (in sigmas above noise).
♦ Replaced legacy button to load comps on Comps/Var/Check page to a component and new icon that scale as it should when going proprty going to/from 4K.

2024 February 27 16:30 UT ( patch, all programs)
All Photometry Plots (lightcurve, spectra, Gantt, Nomarlied, LC Gen)
♦ Clicking on the left or bottom axis toggles displaying the grid for that axis.
Asteroid Multi-image Photomery
♦ Several fixes in the selection of StarBGone stars and honoring the Use-Avoid option pair.
AsteroidLCAnalysis, VarStarLCAnalysis
♦ Fixed bug when switching databases that didn't load sessions.
♦ Fixed access violation error when Normalized charts are generated.
♦ Enable/Disable Normalized and Gantt tabs (Ast/VarStar) based on Configurations settings at start up and anytime the configuration form is invoked.
♦ Normalized tab available only for Period1 and if ProfileData.Plotting.ShowNormal = True.
♦ Clicking on a normalized point now displays the JD, period phase, normalized value, and the derived magnitude used to generate the normalized value.
Time of Minimum/Maximum (TOM) tab
   ♦ Ctrl+Shift+Click on Period field on lightcurve tabs transfers period to TOM tab as well as sets the period, step size, and steps field to
     the period, period error, and 1.
   ♦TOM can be computed for any period search with data.
   ♦ Period control has button to transfer the selected extremum, e.g., Max-R for maximum based on raw, to the field.
AsteroidMIPhotometry, AsteoridLCAnalysis, VarStarLCAnalysis, VarStarMIPhotometry
♦ Added partial roll-up feature to the options panel on the analysis page to allow more room for the two sessions lists.
♦ Fixed bug that ignored choosing only some of the sessions in the select sessions form.
♦ Forced a check for a valid plot size before trying to save the plots.
♦ Allowed selecting more than one observation to update on the Observations tab.
♦ Allowed selecting more than one comp in the Comps Obs list and restored three buttons to process the selected checks. At least one comp must always be checked.
♦ Fixed bugs on the Observations tab such that changing the status of one more comps in a given session "didn't stick."
♦ Fixed bug in Sessions Select form that did manage the G and mid-times editing controls properly, which prevented the from being used.
♦ Fixed problems when saving any of the plots. Except for LC1 in the AsteroidLCAnalysis program, saving would produce oddly-shaped plots, resize the form to match the weird aspect ratio, and not return the form to its original state. When saving, the user should not see the main form resize at all.
♦ Plots on Comps tab now display a title and footer.
♦ When saving comps plots, the session is included in the default file name. If the plot is for an individual comp, which one is included in the default file name.
AsteroidMIPhotometry, AsteoridLCAnalysis, VarStarLCAnalysis, VarStarMIPhotometry
♦ Modified default base file names when saving the comp star plots by including the session number. The indivual plot also includes which comp star is plotted. For example for session 109:

2024 February 17 07:00 UT ( patch, all programs)
Asteroid Multi-image Photometry (AsteroidMIPhotometry.exe)
♦ Pressing any key could cause the form to resize to fit current DPI.
Image Blinker (Blinker.exe)
♦ Added hints to controls dealing directly with either blinking 2 or more
   images or combing three images as RGB layers into a single image for the RGB mode.
Numerous Programs
♦ Fixed bug when adding items to the MRU list.

2024 February 16 15:00 UT (overall update)
Known Issues
The legend in lightcurve and other plots may not display properly when viewed on a high-res 4K monitor. This is a known issue with the plotting control. A workaround is to generate a plot at 1920x1080 screen resolution and then change the display resolution to 3K or 4K. Closing and reopening the program reverts to the bad behavior.
MPO V12 Installer (MPOV12Installer.exe)
The capability to create a desktop icon and start menu item have been re-instated.
   No changes were made since there was only one reported incident.
Automatching Improvement
♦ Changed alogorithm that sought candidates for astrometric solution so include only those stars within the short dimension of an image.
♦ Fixed bug where the nubmers for reference stars on the display chart were not in the correct location.
♦ Fixed bug that gave bad X/Y positions for a given RA/Dec when using the astrometric reductions values found as part of an automatch.
♦ Added manual two-star matching to SIAstrometry (beta)
Numerous Programs
♦ Fixed bad "anchors" for some controls that caused them to lose their relative position on the form with different screen resolutions and text scaling.
♦ Replaced more than 700 labels that did not honor changes in screen resolution and/or text size scaling.
♦ Improved the error reporting when one or more catalogs was not found to include which catalog triggered the error.
♦ Fixed a bug that raised an error when saving selected sessions to an INI file during lightcurve analysis
♦ Added a control in SIAstrometry and VarStarMIPhotometry to set the SExtractor "extract threshold" (0.1-3.0 sigmas above noise floor).
   Low numbers find fainter stars but generate more false hits.
♦ Expanded support to distinguish between the Pan-STARRS and Sloan griz photometric filters/bands.
♦ Various and sundry minor bug fixes and enhancements.
AAVSOBatchGenSA and VarStarMIPhotometry
♦ Added prompts after loading a v10 legacy batch reference file to enter the ObsCode before saving the file or, if modifying the comps/vars/check objects afterwards, to use the <To BRF> button to be sure all changes are saved.
♦ Improved abilty to stop a conversion.
♦ When importing sessions involving asteroids, automatically update the phase, phase angle bisector, estimated V magnitude, and Earth/Sun distances. The DeltaMagPlus/Minus values were updated to be for a 6-hour interval (v10 used a 24-hour interval).

2024 February 5 Priority Update
MPO V12 Installer (MPOV12Installer.exe) RESCINDED in
♦ When selecting to install the desktop and/or start menu items, other desktop icons could disappear. The creation of those items is now disabled. The user must create shortcuts manually.

2024 February 4
Export v10 data to text files for v12 Import (ConvertV10to12.exe)
♦ v12.0.2.0 (2024 Jan 16 14:43 (MT)))
♦ Must be run with "Run as Administrator" flag
♦ Addresses problem with missing comp star catalog magnitudes in sessions.
Missing catalog magnitudes (not in Notes field or session entry fields) are set to 99.9.
The only solution is to provide catalog magnitudes in the entry fields for a bad session and then export only the modified sessions.
AAVSO Data Management (AAVSODataMgmt.exe)
♦ Fixed bugs that prevented updates to Filter, MagBand, and Notess fields in a batch edit
♦ Add tmpaavso.sdb to the UserDBs.zip distribution. This is used for importing/exporting v12 AAVSO "sessions"
♦ Implemented Export and Import on the Ext Ops page
♦ Added controls at top of form to allow switching databases, e.g., from default aavso.sdb to AE_UMA.sdb or reverting to aasvso.sdb
AAVSO Reporting (AAVSOReporting.exe)
♦ Now uses the same form as AAVSODataMgmt. Only the pages and controls unique to each program are displayed
Asteroid Lightcurve Analysis (AsteroidLCAnalysis.exe - stand alone program)
♦ Added button/popup menu that allows using the default or import photometry database (photometry.sdb or <filename>.sdb).
MPOCORB Conversion (MPCORB.exe)
♦ Changed SQL code to avoid UNIQUE keyword error.
MPO v12 Installer (MPOV12Installer.exe)
♦ Fixed problem where only database files were backed-up.
♦ Add more information to the Confirmation log shown just before starting installation.
♦ Simplified the output of the Installation log and changed to a fixed-pitch font in the log viewer.
♦ Added tmpaavso.sdb to distribution on UserDBs.zip. This is used for aavso session export/import.
Variable Star Lightcurve Analysis (VarStarLCAnalysis.exe - stand alone program)
♦ Added button/popup menu that allows using the default or import aavso database (aavso.sdb or <filename>.sdb).
Various and sundry fixes and minor enhancements